Monday 23 June 2014

Yacon Syrup As A Healthy Alternative To Sugar And Source Of Prebiotics

One supplement that is packed with health benefits is yacon syrup. It is made of the extract of the root of yacon, which is a tuberous plant also known as Peruvian ground apple. Two of its important health benefits are its being a healthy alternative to sugar and its being a rich of source of prebiotics.
That the supplement may be used as an alternative to regular table sugar is very important as high blood sugar levels are associated with serious health conditions such as kidney disease, heart disease, blindness, and nerve and blood vessel damage. It is considered as a low glycemic sweetener because around half of its sweetness is brought about by FOS (fructooligosaccharides). Even though FOS is a natural sweetener, it does not cause one's blood sugar levels to rise significantly because the body does not have the ability to fully break it down. In effect, it goes to the digestive tract in its whole form.

Furthermore, that FOS goes to the digestive tract without being metabolized allows the healthy bacteria in the intestine to feed on it. In short, it also works as a prebiotic. Another kind of prebiotic that the supplement contains is inulin, a long-chain fiber that feeds the healthy bacteria in the left portion of the colon. By taking the supplement, one may stimulate the healthy bacteria in the digestive tract and simultaneously get rid of harmful bacteria and toxins, preventing the onset of various health problems.

One may use yacon syrup instead of artificial sweeteners and regular table sugar to sweeten drinks, snacks, or dishes. By doing that, they not only reduce the amount sugar they consume but also improve their digestive health and overall health for that matter.

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