Monday 23 June 2014

Top 3 Reasons For Using Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris is a supplement made from the extract of a plant from which its name is derived. It has been used as a form of traditional medicine in China and India for centuries, although it only became known to the mainstream health and fitness community when the Bulgarian Olympic weightlifting team claimed that it had helped improve their performance. So why should one take the supplement? Here are the top three reasons.
1. It may help maintain normal testosterone levels.
The supplement is high in protodioscin, the main reason why it is considered a natural testosterone booster. Protodioscin is a steroidal saponin that may increase the levels of luteinizing hormones (LH). Consequently, luteinizing hormones signal the testes in men and ovaries in women to produce testosterone. The importance of having normal testosterone levels cannot be overemphasized because low testosterone levels are linked to several health problems such as sexual dysfunctions, decreased muscle mass, low energy levels, obesity, and depression.
2. It may increase muscle mass and energy levels.
This is the main reason why the supplement is popular among athletes. It may be the ideal alternative to synthetic anabolic steroids, which have known physical and psychological side effects such as kidney damage and depression. By using the supplement, athletes may experience increased muscle and energy levels, contributing to the improvement of their performance.
3. It may improve sex drive.
A lot of people experience low if not lack of sex drive, which can negatively affect their overall wellness. By taking Tribulus Terrestris, however, they may address the issue. And, that is mainly because low sex drive is associated with low testosterone levels. Furthermore, the supplement may treat erectile dysfunction as protodioscin may help regulate the release of nitric oxide. An antioxidant, nitric oxide helps relax the smooth muscle in the arteries in the penis, providing enough blood flow needed to support an erection.
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