Monday 9 December 2013

Tribulus Terrestris Plays a Role in Treating Male and Female Sexual Dysfunctions

Tribulus terrestris can help treat both male and female sexual dysfunctions, which in turn improves people’s sexual lives and overall health. This is great news for millions of individuals who are affected by sexual dysfunctions such as sexual arousal disorders, sexual pain disorders, and erectile dysfunction, all of which impact their relationships and emotional and mental well-being.

While sexual dysfunctions are common, many people are too embarrassed to admit that they are affected by these dysfunctions. This is especially true among women, whose sexual issues are not as discussed as men’s. However, they should be more open to discussing these issues for them to find and get appropriate treatments. This is because sexual dysfunctions may be brought about by certain conditions, such as menopause or andropause, depression, and hormonal imbalance. Therefore, they can be treated by addressing their root causes and this is what tribulus terrestris does.

Available as a supplement in capsule form, Choice Nutrition Supplements Tribulus Terrestris addresses sexual dysfunctions by increasing the levels of testosterone in the body. Generally, people experience low sex drive or pain during sex because they have low testosterone levels. This is especially true for those who have reached andropause or menopause. However, by taking the supplement in appropriate dosages, users sexual drive increases.

Another advantage of using tribulus terrestris is that it triggers the release of nitric oxide, a chemical compound that plays a role in the relaxation of the smooth muscle in the arteries of the penis. This gives sufficient blood flow that is required to support an erection. Thus, this supplement may be used to treat erectile dysfunction, a condition that affects millions of men.

“. . . Signs that you may have low testosterone levels include a loss of muscle tissue, depression, and decreased strength, stamina, drive, and motivation. . . . The herb tribulus terrestris may help raise levels of testosterone by reducing the binding of testosterone to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) without side effects.” – Dr. Natasha Turner

About Choice Nutrition Supplements
Choice Nutrition Supplements is one of the top producers of 100% natural health products which are made to aid in promoting healthy lifestyles by preventing illness and improving the body’s vital functions. Choice Nutrition Supplements only uses highly efficient, safe and natural ingredients in order to assure optimum health. Choice Nutrition Supplements is dedicated to providing its customers not only dietary supplements, but information that is geared toward living longer, healthier and happier lives.

For further information please contact:
Scott Hayes

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