Thursday 5 December 2013

How To Make The Most Out Of A Garcinia Cambogia Supplement

Garcinia Cambogia has become of the most popular natural weight loss supplements. This fruit, commonly found in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, has been found to be an effective weight loss aid. In Thailand, for instance, the fruit is added to soup that is eaten before a meal. As a result, a person's appetite is suppressed. However, the fruit itself is not available for everybody. Thus, it is made available in the form of a dietary supplement in capsule form. Because of the efficacy of the fruit as a weight loss supplement, it has become one of the most in demand weight loss supplements. Hundreds of products made from the fruit have been made available, but not all of them will give you the best value for your money. There are certain things to consider to make the most out of a Garcinia Cambogia supplement.

First, make sure that the Garcinia Cambogia supplement you choose is made of natural Garcinia Cambogia standardized to 60% hydroxycitric acid or HCA. HCA is a substance found in the fruit that helps suppress appetite and prevents the conversion of unused and stored sugar into fat. In fact, HCA is the main reason why the fruit works as an effective weight loss supplement.

Second, make sure the Garcinia Cambogia capsules you buy do not have binders and fillers. Binders and fillers are usually added to make capsules big enough for your hands to handle. However, binders and fillers do not add any value to a supplement. They are just usually derivatives of sugar, and they can affect the efficacy of a supplement as they delay the absorption of key ingredients into the body. Check the label of the Garcinia Cambogia weight loss supplement yo are eyeing on to make sure that there is an indication that it does not contain binders and fillers.

Third, check if a Garcinia Cambogia supplement contains potassium and calcium. These two minerals enhance the efficacy of the supplement. Potassium helps in muscle in contraction, so it is important for good digestion and muscle function. While calcium is generally needed for the proper functioning of the teeth and bones, a small amount of it is also used in metabolic functions such as hormone production.

Fourth, make sure that you not only take the right dosage of the supplement but also take it at the right time. The minimum daily dosage of the supplement is 1,500 mg. A 500-mg capsule should be taken three times a day, 30 to 60 minutes before each meal or two hours after each meal.
You surely want to get the best value for your money, so take note of these steps when shopping for a Garcinia Cambogia supplement.

Get more tips on how to lose weight naturally and improve your overall wellness at Choice Nutrition Supplements.

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