Thursday 27 March 2014

Yacon for Weight Loss: Capsules or Syrup?

Commonly found in the Andean mountains in South America, yacon has been made available as a health supplement because it is loaded with various health benefits. Its popularity spurred when a celebrated doctor featured it on his show and even conducted his own experiment on how it helps make people lose weight. The majority of the women who participated in the experiment lost weight. As such, the supplement is more known as a weight loss supplement. The supplement is available in various forms, the most common of which are capsules and syrup. So which form may be more suitable for you?

Both forms of the supplement contain FOS, a natural sweetener that is mainly responsible for its ability to help you lose weight. FOS has a molecular structure that makes the body unable to fully break it down. Because of this, it just passes through the digestive system, and it helps you feel full for a longer period of time without loading your body with a lot of calories. The supplement may also promote digestive system and increase bowel movement frequency, helping the body detoxify and function better. So both forms have more or less the same weight loss benefits, but what advantage does one have over the other?

Yacon syrup is the form that most people know about because it is the one that was featured on the show of the abovementioned celebrated doctor. One advantage of using it instead of the capsule form is that it may be used as an alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners, reducing your daily sugar intake. The recommended dosage of the syrup is three teaspoons every day, which may not be very convenient for everybody. In addition, not everybody may be pleased by its taste and consistency. For these reasons, the capsule form may be easier to incorporate into your diet than the syrup form.
Whichever form of yacon is suitable for you, the supplement may benefit you in several ways. It may not only promote weight loss but may also improve digestive health and stabilize blood sugar levels.
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