Saturday 19 July 2014

A List of the Most Promising Weight Loss Supplements in the Health and Wellness Market Today

Weight loss supplements are arguably the most in demand products in the health and wellness market today. Losing weight may allow one to not only feel confident about themselves but also, more importantly, to be fitter and healthier. Moreover, as the number of people aiming to maintain healthy grows, so does the number of weight loss supplements that have been introduced and made available in the market. Let us take a look at the most promising supplements for losing weight in the market today.

1. Green Coffee Bean Extract
The supplement, which is made of the extract of unroasted coffee beans, is believed to be rich in chlorogenic acid, a compound that may inhibit the entrance of glucose into the bloodstream. Consequently, the body uses stored fat as a source of energy, reducing body fat. Chlorogenic acid is also one of the polyphenols, which is a group of powerful antioxidants. As such, taking the supplement may protect one from various illnesses caused by free radicals, including cancer and heart disease.

2. Garcinia Cambogia
The supplement, which is made of the extract of a pumpkin-shaped fruit from which its name is derived, is believed to be rich in HCA (hydroxycitric acid). HCA is a compound that is believed to inhibit the enzyme citrate lyase from converting sugar into fat. In addition, it may regulate the release of serotonin, a hormone that affects one’s mood and appetite. As such, the supplement may also work as a natural appetite suppressant.

3. Raspberry Ketone
The supplement is known to help increase the levels of adiponectin in the body. Adiponectin is a protein hormone released by the fat cells, and when one has high levels of it, their body tends to burn fat safely and more effectively. The supplement may also suppress appetite by improving one’s sensitivity to leptin.

4. Yacon Syrup
A low glycemic sweetener, the supplement is packed with FOS. A natural sweetener, FOS helps prevent the release of ghrelin (hunger hormone), without loading one’s body with excessive amounts of calories. This is because the body does not have the ability to metabolize FOS, and as a result, it goes to the digestive tract in its whole form, where the healthy bacteria feed on it. As such, the supplement may not only promote weight loss, but it may also improve one’s digestive health.
Take charge of your health and body. Get only the highest quality health and weight loss supplements you need from Choice Nutrition Supplements.

The Elderly, Vegans, and Vitamin B12 | Choice Nutrition Supplements

Considered as the most complex of all vitamins, Vitamin B12 is needed for the maintenance of one’s health. The body needs it for energy production, formation of healthy red blood cells, and building of myelin sheaths, which protect the nervous system. As such, lack or absence of it may have negative health implications – it is associated with anemia, irreversible nerve damage, and heart disease. As with any vitamin, it is not naturally synthesized in the body. In fact, only bacteria have the ability to naturally produce it, and animals get it through bacterial symbiosis. Moreover, how are the elderly, vegans, and the vitamin related to each other?

As aforementioned, animals get Vitamin B12 from bacteria because of bacterial symbiosis. And, this is the reason why the source of the vitamin is primarily animal-based foods, such as beef, poultry, fish, beef liver, shellfish, milk, and eggs. Moreover, this is the main reason why those who follow a vegan diet are at risk of being deficient of the vitamin.

Just like vegans, the elderly are at risk of developing deficiency of the vitamin, although it may be for a different reason. The elderly are more likely to develop atrophic gastritis, which is a disease that inhibits the production of stomach acid. This makes a difference in the absorption of the vitamin because it is bound to a protein, and for it to be released and properly absorbed by the body, considerable amounts of stomach acid are needed. As such, just because one’s diet includes animal-based foods does not necessarily mean that they are getting enough of it.

Vegans may still get the vitamin from their diet, though. There are B12-fortified foods available, such as breakfast cereals. Vitamin B12 liquid supplements are also available, and the elderly and vegans can make use of them to avoid developing deficiency of the vitamin and the health problems that come with it.

Take charge of your health. Get only the highest quality health supplements you need from Choice Nutrition Supplements.

Why Is Yacon Syrup One Of The Most Promising Health Supplements In The Market Today?

There is an influx of health supplements in the health and wellness market today, and one of the most promising among these supplements is yacon syrup. It is loaded with health benefits, the most important of which are improved blood sugar levels, improved digestive health, and natural weight loss.

The syrup is made of the extract of the root of yacon, a plant also known as Peruvian ground apple. Loaded with nutritional values, the plant has long been a staple of the Peruvian diet. Moreover, the syrup is being endorsed as a healthy sweetener, and this is primarily because of its high FOS content. FOS comprises around half of the syrup's sweetness. Because the body does not have the ability to metabolize FOS, the syrup is very low on the glycemic index scale. This makes it a healthy alternative to artificial sweeteners and regular table sugar, making it especially beneficial for those aiming to reduce the amount of sugar in their diet. Keeping one's blood sugar at normal levels is very important as high blood sugar levels are associated with diabetes and other health complications.

Moreover, the syrup may improve one's digestive health because it is rich in prebiotics: FOS and inulin. Because FOS is not digested by the body, it enters the digestive tract in its whole form, and the healthy bacteria feed on it. Inulin, on the other hand, is a long-chain fiber that feeds the healthy bacteria in the left part of the colon. And, the presence of more prebiotics may mean lesser harmful bacteria and toxins. Another benefit of the syrup that has made the health and wellness community excited about it is that it may promote natural weight loss. Because of its high FOS content, it may curb one's appetite without filling the body with a lot of calories.

With its various health benefits, yacon syrup is indeed one of the most promising health supplements today.

Take charge of your health. Get only the highest quality health supplements you need from Choice Nutrition Supplements.

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Thursday 10 July 2014

You are 8 minutes away from a healthy body!

Natural Weight Loss Supplements May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

As your body weight increases, so does your risk for having various heart problems especially coronary heart disease or CHD. It is a health condition wherein there is an accumulation of plaque within the coronary arteries that causes a decrease in blood circulation to the heart. Many reported deaths related to heart disease has been associated with obesity over the years. Obesity has become a major problem in various countries as it is usually the main causes of various health problems. With the increased awareness of the public with regards maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding obesity related heart problems, more and more weight loss products are being sold in the market today. One of the most popular weight loss products are natural weight loss supplements.

Natural weight loss supplements has become a major fad in the health and wellness community today. More and more research are being conducted right now in order to explore the many benefits of many natural weight loss supplements. Some of the most popular natural weight loss supplements include Garcinia Cambogia, Green Coffee Bean, African Mango and Raspberry Ketone.

Choice Nutrition Supplements’ which is one of the most popular producers of natural weight loss supplements has been widely recognized for their Raspberry Ketone Ultra supplement”. According to various researches, Raspberry Ketone may have the potential to be highly efficient when it comes to helping people lose weight naturally. It works by boosting the level of adiponectin in the body. It has gained a huge reputation online for its efficiency in suppressing appetite and helping people get rid of fats naturally.

“Raspberry Ketone Ultra delivers what it promises. It curbs my appetite and prevents me from eating in between meals. After two weeks, I have lost 5 pounds and feel positive I will reach my weight loss goal. The capsules are easy to swallow and even have a hint of raspberry flavor. I have felt no side-effects and plan to order this product again.” – David B, Raspberry Ketone Ultra User

About Choice Nutrition Supplements
Choice Nutrition Supplements is one of the top producers of 100 percent natural health products which are made to aid in promoting healthy lifestyles by preventing illness and improving the body’s vital functions. Choice Nutrition Supplements only uses highly efficient and safe natural ingredients in order to assure optimum health. Choice Nutrition Supplements is dedicated to providing its customers not only dietary supplements but also information that is geared towards living longer, healthier and happier lives.

Vegans at High Risk of Having Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is one of the most important nutrients needed by the body in order to make DNA and in maintaining proper brain function. People with less Vitamin B12 than normal in their body are at risk of having Vitamin B12 deficiency which is characterized by muscle weakness, tingling in the extremities, muscle weakness, fatigue, mood swings, memory loss, lethargy and more. It is recommended to make sure that your diet regimen should include enough Vitamin B12 which you could get from meat products such as eggs, poultry, fish, milk and more. However, people who dont eat these kind of food especially vegans are at risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency.

In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, German researchers tracked 174 healthy people in Germany and the Netherlands. They then found out that 92% of the vegans they studied whose diet regimen exclude all animal products had Vitamin B12 deficiency. Health experts worldwide recommend alternative ways of getting Vitamin B12 for vegans. One way is by using Vitamin B12 supplements. Consequently, Vitamin B12 supplements are readily sold in the market today. However, it is highly important to make sure that the Vitamin B12 supplement you are using is of high quality and is from a reliable manufacturer.

One of the most popular Vitamin B12 supplements today is Choice Nutrition Supplements Vitamin B12 Complex Sublingual Liquid Drops. This supplement may help promote energy metabolism, improve DNA synthesis and is fast absorbing. Moreover, it is exclusively manufactured in the United States in a FDA inspected and GMP certified facility thereby assuring you of a high quality health product.

I’d been receiving B-12 injections at the doctor’s office for the diagnosis of fatigue and tingling in the legs. A friend suggested that I try this product and I switched to the Vitamin B-12 Complex Sublingual for convenience. I am glad I did. I really feel this has helped my energy level would highly recommend this product. Brenda, Vitamin B12 supplement user.

About Choice Nutrition Supplements
Choice Nutrition Supplements is one of the top producers of 100 percent natural health products which are made to aid in promoting healthy lifestyles by preventing illness and improving the bodys vital functions. Choice Nutrition Supplements only uses highly efficient and safe natural ingredients in order to assure optimum health. Choice Nutrition Supplements is dedicated to providing its customers not only dietary supplements but also information that is geared towards living longer, healthier and happier lives.
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Roderick Keith

What Are The Best Weight Loss Supplements In The Health And Wellness Market Today?

Being overweight if not obese is not something that should be taken blithely. Those excess pounds may spell difference between one’s developing various health problems and being healthy. Proper diet and exercise are some of the best ways to maintain healthy weight and stay fit, although weight loss supplements have been introduced to reinforce one’s weight loss efforts. So what are some of the best weight loss supplements in the health and wellness market today?

Yacon Syrup
The supplement may be known for helping maintain healthy blood sugar and preventing diabetes, but it may actually be used as a weight loss aid. Being high in FOS, it helps inhibit the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin without filling the body with excessive amounts of calories. FOS is a natural sweetener that comprises around fifty percent of the supplement’s sweetness. However, the body is not able to metabolize FOS, making the supplement very low on the glycemic index scale.

Garcinia Cambogia
The supplement is made of the extract of a pumpkin-shaped fruit from which its name is derived. Its active ingredient is HCA (hydroxycitric acid), which may inhibit fat formation and suppress appetite. Furthermore, the supplement is believed to help fight stress and depression as HCA may trigger the release of serotonin, a hormone that gives a feeling of cheerfulness and helps reduce cortisol (stress hormone).

Raspberry Ketone
The supplement is made of a compound of the same name, which is extracted from red raspberries. The compound has been found to increase metabolism by raising the levels of adiponectin in the body. Adiponectin is a protein hormone produced by the fat cells, and when one has high levels of it, their body tends to burn fat safely and more efficiently.

As with any supplement, these supplements should not replace proper diet and exercise. Moreover, those who are below eighteen years old, pregnant, and have known medical conditions should seek the advice of their health care providers before taking these supplements.

Take charge of your health and body. Get only the highest quality health and weight loss supplements you need from Choice Nutrition Supplements.

The scale is not always an accurate reflection of progress

"The scale is not always an accurate reflection of progress. It tells you your #weight NOT your body fat percentage or lean muscle gain."

Wednesday 2 July 2014

What Do Green Coffee Bean Extract, White Mulberry Extract, and Yacon Syrup Have in Common?

The influx of health supplements in the health and wellness community may allow more consumers to improve their health and quality of life. Some of the health supplements that have caught the attention of many consumers are green coffee bean extract, white mulberry extract, and yacon syrup. All of them were given positive reviews on the television show of a celebrated doctor, and that may have helped spur their popularity. While their being featured has helped boost their popularity, they indeed have properties that may help improve one's health. Let us take a look at their benefits and what they have in common.

The health benefits of the regular coffee have been a subject of debate by health experts and consumers. While many are not able to start their day without it, there are also a lot of people who have aversion towards it. The introduction of green coffee bean extract to the health and wellness market has, in one way or another, put coffee in a different light, though. The supplement is made from unroasted coffee beans, which is in contrast to the regular coffee. White mulberry extract, on the other hand, is made from white mulberry. Furthermore, yacon syrup is made from the extract of the root of yacon, a plant commonly found in the Andean mountains in South America.

What the three supplements have in common is that they promote overall health by improving one's blood sugar levels and helping one lose weight naturally and safely. The first two supplements may inhibit the entrance of glucose into the bloodstream, and that is because of the respective active ingredients they contain. The first supplement's active ingredient is chlorogenic acid, while the second one's is 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ). Moreover, the third supplement is rich in FOS, a natural sweetener that makes up around half of its sweetness. The body is unable to metabolize FOS, making the supplement very low on the glycemic index scale.

The three supplements may also promote health by allowing one to lose weight the natural and healthy way. Because green coffee bean extract and white mulberry extract prevent the entrance of glucose into the bloodstream, the body uses stored fat as a source of energy. Yacon syrup, on the other hand, may help suppress one's appetite, allowing them to stay full for a longer period of time.

Take charge of your health. Get only the highest quality health supplements you need from Choice Nutrition Supplements.

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