Wednesday 30 April 2014

Yacon Syrup and Prebiotics: How Do They Promote Overall Health?

Yacon syrup is extracted from the root of yacon, a tuberous plant found in the Andean mountains in South America. That it was featured in the television show of a popular doctor as a weight loss aid is a double-edged sword. It may have spurred its popularity among consumers, but it may have also made it easy for consumers to dismiss it as mere fad. While a lot people are either hopeful or doubtful of its being an effective weight loss aid, it has other benefits. One of them is that it may promote digestive health and overall wellness as it an excellent source of prebiotics: FOS and inulin.

Prebiotics serve as food for probiotics, which are commonly known as the healthy bacteria. One of the prebiotics that yacon syrup contains is FOS (fructooligosaccharides), which is responsible for around half of the syrup's sweetness. Because of its molecular structure, it goes all the way to the digestive tract without being metabolized, where the healthy bacteria feed on it. These healthy bacteria then boost the supply of short-chain fatty acids, which help prevent cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Another prebiotic that the syrup contains is inulin, which is a long-chain fiber. Long chains feed the healthy bacteria in the left part of the colon, and they contribute to the maintenance of the digestive system.

Because the syrup contains prebiotics, making it a part of your diet can help your body get rid of bad bacteria and toxins. Bad bacteria and toxins cause various health problems, including irritable bowels and colon cancer. You may add the syrup to your coffee or dishes that require some sweetener. And, by incorporating it into your diet, you are not only improving your digestive health, but you are reducing the amount of sugar in your diet as well. This is because it is very low on the glycemic index scale.

To sum up, yacon syrup promotes overall health by providing the body with prebiotics. In addition, it may be used as the healthier alternative to sugars and artificial sweeteners as it does not cause one's blood sugar levels to rise significantly.

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