Wednesday 16 April 2014

Is Taking a Tribulus Terrestris Supplement for You?

Tribulus Terrestris is a spiky plant also known as puncture vine. Because of its benefits, it has been made available as a dietary supplement. It is particularly known among athletes because it is believed to help them improve their performance. However, you may still be able to benefit from it even though you are not an athlete. So is taking it for you?

Taking the supplement is for you if you are suffering from low sex drive. Low sex drive is commonly brought about by low testosterone levels. Men and women may experience low testosterone levels as they age, but they may experience it much earlier in life as a result of their being constantly exposed to stress. But, by taking Tribulus Terrestris, they may improve their sex drive as the supplement is believed to help increase testosterone levels.

Furthermore, taking the supplement is for you if you are a non-menopausal woman aiming to improve your fertility. In one study, 36 non-menopausal women took the supplement for two to three months. The study found that 67% of these women experienced normal ovulation as a result of their consistent intake of the supplement.

Taking the supplement is also for you if you are experiencing the effects of menopause or andropause, such as anxiety, depression, and low energy levels. The supplement may be able to remedy these effects as it addresses their root cause: low testosterone levels.

As mentioned, Tribulus Terrestris is popular among athletes. As such, if you are an athlete who wants to increase your muscle mass and your energy levels and improve your performance without having to resort to using synthetic anabolic steroids, then taking the supplement is for you. It is considered natural, so it does not have the physical and psychological side effects that synthetic anabolic steroids tend to have.

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