Wednesday 23 April 2014

Is Taking Yacon Syrup For You?

Yacon syrup is a supplement that is believed to have various health benefits. It was reviewed by a celebrated doctor on his television show, spurring its popularity in the health and wellness community. A number of dietary supplement manufacturers have introduced their own versions of the supplement, and a lot of consumers believe it is worth a try. But, will you greatly benefit from taking it? Is taking it for you?

Taking the supplement is for you if you want to incorporate a natural sweetener in your diet without having to worry about experiencing an increase in your blood sugar levels and loading your body with too much calories. FOS (fructooligosaccharides) makes up around fifty percent of the supplement's sweetness. This makes a lot of difference in terms of the supplement's glycemic index because FOS has a molecular structure that prevents the body from metabolizing it. As such, it has a very low glycemic index and does not fill up your body with unwanted amounts of calories.

Furthermore, taking yacon syrup is for you if you aim to lose weight and do not mind taking one teaspoon of the syrup three times a day. As mentioned, it is high in FOS, which the body is not able to metabolize. As such, it may prevent you from getting hungry in between meals and consequently help you limit the amount of food you consume every day without loading your body with a lot of calories. In addition, taking the syrup is for you if you want to improve your digestive health. It may also serve as a prebiotic, which means that the good bacteria in your gut feed on it. It may also have a washout effect, so you may observe an increase in the frequency of your bowel movement when you take it. And, this is something positive for your health because this helps your body detoxify and function better.

To sum up, taking yacon syrup is for you if you want to decrease the amount of sugar in your diet, lose weight the natural way, or improve your digestive health.

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