Wednesday 28 May 2014

Useful Tips On How To Raise Testosterone Levels

Testosterone, a hormone produced by the testicles in men and ovaries in women, is needed for muscle growth and strength, maintenance of strong bones, and sexual function, among others. While testosterone levels peak during adolescence and early adulthood, they start to decline after the age of thirty. There are other factors that may contribute to the decline of the levels of the hormone other than age, though. These include prolonged exposure to stress, bad diet, and obesity. Moreover, low testosterone levels have negative health implications, including fatigue, low sex drive, and decreased muscle mass and strength. As such, the importance of having sufficient levels of the hormone cannot be overstated. There are various ways on how one may raise their testosterone levels.

One's diet affects their testosterone levels. One should maintain a healthy diet for them to avoid being overweight or obese - overweight or obesity negatively affects testosterone levels. Furthermore, there are certain kinds of food that are known to help raise the levels of the hormones. These include foods that are high in zinc as zinc helps regulate the levels of the hormone. Oysters are known to be very good sources of zinc. Moreover, foods that are high in healthy fats are also known to help increase the levels of the hormone. These include nuts, olives, palm oil, and eggs.

While stress is needed for survival, exposure to it for long periods of time may have negative health implications. Prolonged exposure to stress causes the body to produce excessive amounts of cortisol, which may block the effects of testosterone. As such, reducing stress is one good way of raising testosterone levels the natural way. Yoga, meditation, and proper exercise are just some of the few ways of managing stress.

There are supplements that are believed to help raise testosterone levels naturally. One of them is Tribulus Terrestris, which is extracted from a plant from which its name is derived. It has been found to have high protodioscin content. A steroidal saponin, protodioscin may regulate luteinizing hormones, which stimulate the testes and ovaries. Consequently, more testosterone may be produced.
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